Alaska Coastal Black Bear Hunt ~ 1017

Alaska Coastal Black Bear Hunt ~ 1017

Posted by Find Your Dream Hunt on Feb 18th 2021

True Magnum's "Find Your Dream Hunt" Series

Alaska Coastal Black Bear Hunt

Day 1: A boat based Alaska bear hunt starts of with, of course, a boat-in a really cool setting.

Day 2: Marine life at every turn.

Day 3.1: Neighbors. While fishing during off hunting hours expect lots of visitors. Eagles, whales, and otters to name a few.

Day 3.2: Amazing fishing (and eating) makes the boat based hunting life the choice for many.

Day 4.1: Riding skiffs up the tidal flats in search of black bears makes for a more active and scenic black bear hunt than almost any other!

Day 4.2: Glassing tidal flats and sidehills for big bears.

Day 4.3: True Magnum Outfitter success! If a coastal black bear hunt is for you, call us and ask about outfitter #1017.